Saturday, November 05, 2005

I am guy who like gadgets.All sorts of gadgets. Technology is moving so fast, that it is very difficult to keep up with it. You buy an electronic item today and six months later they have a higher model in the market. Now your gadget is no more a new one. So i thought what is the best way to get around it ? Hmm.... The answer is..... wait wait wait..... You will never end up buying the thing you want and will just keep on researching on the new product.
After much deliberations (with home department), I bought the Treo 650 which was latest in the market. I thought to myself , well i have the latest cool stuff which will keep me happy for a while. Well guess what ? Palm make up with a new Treo 700w with windows mobile OS . Now i am trying to find the flwas in the new treo to pacify myself that i still have the cool gadget in the market.
So the whole point is - Buy the best/latest stuff in the market and be happy.... But remember the phrase "Be Content Yet Never Satisfied" .


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...contradiction abound in your definition of content vs. satisfied.
One way to look at life in this world that seems like ever changing as sleek advertisements constantly bombard us with latest features and create the "want" which may have nothing to do with our "need". Otherwise, why would BMW 7 series have a control knob with 75 touch-control operations, the manufacturer knowing full well that most drivers will not use 2% of those.
I think technology when used properly serves as a great tool to improve human condition. However the features & products supporting same old stuff but faster do not hit the mark. After all as they say: "intel Inside & Idiot outside".
My approach would be to figure out what I need to improve life and then go buy as necessary to achieve that purpose.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous your approach will make you content but still not staisfied because there will always be someone who has the same gizmo as you with some additional features & no matter how practical you are i am sure you will not be satisfied then.