I use my treo to listen to music, check emails using Versamail ( built-in application) , browse ( once a week), schedule appointments ( personal and work) and take pictures and i almost forgot - to make and receive calls :-)
The other recent applications i have on my treo - Mundu IM ( instant messaging) and Mundu Radio. These are pretty neat applications and handy.
I like the treo because of its screen size. It is ideal for playing games, browsing and checking emails. The other thing i like about is the flexibility to add/install applications - some for free and some $$....
It sometimes feel bulky, compared to other sleek cellphones, but if you compare the features and ease of use, Treo is the best. BTW: i have Treo 650 (you might have known that if you read my earlier posts).
My recent adventure is to hunt for a bluetooth headset to listen to music during workout. I have checked out Motorola S9 . It is light-weight, and the ear-plugs are small. I am almost tempted to buy it, bt i am looking for a good deal in a store near my place, so that i can return it without hassle if i don't like it. Will keep posted on this blog though...

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